
I involve myself in a lot of things which may, on the face of them, seem unrelated.

But in reality, they complete one circle.

I’ve been a professional hypnotherapist for 12 years now, teaching people to realize their full potential.  For my 50th birthday, I became the oldest performing member of Chicago’s Beast Women revue. In 2008, I  helped take the city of Chicago to the US Supreme Court for leaving me defenseless against 3 burglars and, in 2010, we won, ending Chicago’s Handgun Ban. In 2011, I became the first civilian Chicago firearm instructor State-certified to teach the Chicago Firearm Permit course. In the years and decades which have passed, I’ve faced challenges that appeared wholly insurmountable and yet, I stood.

I stand. And I teach others to stand.

At several points in my life, I’ve found myself standing alone and facing criminals. I’ve seen violence, hatred and fear attack my family, my neighborhood, my communities, my city, state, country and my world.

For the past 4 years, I’ve made a study of violence:  its cause, its roots, its effect, its existence within us and within society.

Clearly none of us can reach full potential while our violence and fear continue unabated.

Putting together the observations, skills and training within each of the disciplines pictured above, I believe I’ve found a way to end the cycle.

For those who want to build lives free of fear, stagnation, hopelessness, violence and pain, these are the doors I offer you. The doors I’ve found which serve to heal and to help us choose again.

Pick a door above. Read more. Learn again to hear what is within you.

Involve yourself to change what is around you.

I can show you how, when you have had enough, when you are ready.

Peace and Power to us all.


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